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I may find Eland tomorrow. My feet are in an awful condition from the hard ground, all my toes are skinned.
[[underlined]] Dec 26. [[/underlined]] Boxing day.
A day big with disappointments, but with compensations and I am Encouraged now at the moments of disappointment are passed & have high hopes of getting my Eland.
I think this has been the hardest day I have had since I was in the country.  Off & away at 6:15 am & back in Camp at 6:30 pm, having walked the whole way but for half an hour, owing to the syce loosing us (purposely I suspect) & returning to camp on his own. I think it was the hottest day I have had - the sun pouring down from a cloudless sky all day.
I started well by making a good snap shot at a nice Impala ram over a bush at about 120 yards, killing him stone dead through the heart. Not a great head, but still it is an Impala & my first. My next effort was at a good warthog.  He was facing me looking straight