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at me on a bare plain. I had a steady shot at 150 yards & hit him plum in the chest. Why it did not kill him, I dont understand, but off he went very sick but right out of sight & I lost him. A good Tommy appeared running across me about 200 yards off & I let drive at him, breaking a fore leg. I had to fire 3 times at the same range at the poor little fellow before I hit him - the 3[[superscript]] rd [[/superscript]] shot being right through the heart. 
I kept on & on in search for the Eland & at length I found a herd. The were in some very sparse thorn scrub & an hours careful stalk took me within 200 yards. But desolation! there was not one bull amongst them. I could have shot any one I chose and I spent an hour quite close to them watching them & trying to imagine one was a bull - but no go! There was one nice oryx with them so I decided to have a shot at him & fired at his shoulder at 200 yds. Unfortunately I was too accurate, though I suppose about 2 inches too low. Anyhow I hit him right on the shoulder, but I expect