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For he stuck his little tail up & start[[overwritten]] ing [[/overwritten]]ed twisting about & making little rushes up & down snorting, as if he was trying to make up his mind what to do. However it assisted me to make up my mind pretty quick. There was only one small bush about 20 yards off. So I slithered towards that & taking my big gun, let drive at him about 60 yards off. It was not a great shot, for I was a little too high & a little too far back, but the result was extraordinary. It just knocked the colossal oldevil head over heals. He went down as if he was poll-axed, squealing like a pig. I never heard or saw such a fuss, but though he struggled nobly, he could not get up and I walked up & gave hime 2 solids behind the ear from my '375. 
We had to frighten away the cow & little one by firing over their heads, as they became too inquisitive.
I had been going half an hour or so again when I suddenly saw about 600 yards off something light in the middle of a little circle of thorn trees - at the same time came an excited whisper