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[[underlined]] Dec 29. [[/Underlined]]

We were out at dawn & did about 6 or 7 miles parallel with the river, but saw nothing of lions. Our bait had been picked clean. We decided to camp where we were on the River bank and sent back for the Safari. They arrived about 3 pm. We are about 8 miles from our last camp and in a country that is reported full of lions by the Masai. We saw Eland & water buck & Impala as well as the usual Kongoni & Grant & Zebra, but did not go after them as we wanted lions. We shot 2 Zebra for bait near camp & are just going out again to try & shoot some more. 
The Heat here is terrific - we are in a sort of pan - and the flies are very bad, but no mosquitos. The wounded porter is as well as could be expected.

[[underlined]] Dec 30 [[/Underlined]]
Out at dawn to visit our various bait, but there was no sign of lions. We then separted, Bates & I going one way & C the other.