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and I fired twice, but without effect. That was the last we heard or saw of them. I still thought my first shot had been effectual, but on getting to the spot, there was only one beast down with a bullet in its shoulder, so it must have been C's. Unluckily it was a cow, but a very good one with a good head for a cow.
So ended our first Buffalo hunt and if it was short, it was exciting. 
I am bang out of luck & and very disappointed at not getting one, but hope things will improve. We are going out tonight to sleep on the hill with just our blankets, so as to be absolutely on the spot as dawn breaks & try & catch them before they get back to the forest.
[[underlined]] Jan 8. [[/underlined]]
A good morning & worth an uncomfortable night. We lay out on a rocky hillside, [[strikethrough]] ov [[/strikethrough]] at an angle of at least 45° overlooking the track the buffalo generally use coming out of the forest. We were up long before dawn - our only visitor had been a hyena & contrary to expectation, had slept quite a fair amount - & took up our position on a ridge, dividing