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rocks where I shot my first fringe-eared oryx. We marched at 4.30; so got in a good half of the journey before it got hot. A good 25 miles. We made good going & got to the water at 11.30. I shot a gerenuk and a grant on the way.

[[underlined]] Jan 22 [[/underlined]

Marched at 4 am & got to our camp at the waterhole at 11 am having knocked off the worst of the march before the sun got strong.

[[underlined]] Jan 23 [[/underlined]]

We dined at 4.15 last night and marched at 5 pm till 7 pm. We then lay down where we were till the moon rose at 2 pm, when we started and marched by its light arriving at Ingong (Bate's farm) at 7 am, the porters getting in a couple of hours later. Strangely enough it was a very cold night blowing half a gale.
We spent the day at Ingong.

[[underlined]] Jan 24 [[/underlined]]

Had a carriage out & drove into Nairobi at 9 am. Went out to Jimmy Elkington's farm in the afternoon to see the horses,