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Multitudes of ticks are the worst evil. We spend most of the day picking them off.

[[underlined]] Jan 31 [[/underlined]]

Marched at 5.45 and are now encamped on a river whose name is a mystery. Personally I think it is the Thibia. The last party who were encamped here killed 7 lions here, so we hope for the best. I shot a Kongoni for meat as we came along. There are literally thousands of them here. We passed 2 herds of Eland - one herd being quite 50 or 60 strong, also the usual Zebra.

We had reached the river & on looking down over a high bank, saw two rhinos just across the river below us. C immediately gave the Bull - a big beast with a moderate head - one in the shoulder and they ran off. I fired to try & stop him but could not do so. We could not get across the river after him & had to let him go. Shortly after we came on two more. We got pretty close in the bare plain and I gave [[strikethrough]] him [[/strikethrough]] the big one one in the shoulder with my 577. He spun round & round looking all over a dead one, but just as he was about to collapse - he recovered & they rolled off. We followed and soon