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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
13062763LHLF3 08-65.04 391 31 W-65.05 2445Jan 30-31 1938S.W. breeze.
13062764LMWF 2693 20-63.05 262 06 W-63.06 1145Jan 30-31 1938S wind.
13062765LMWF 214 12-15.16 132 01 W-15.16 5845Jan 30-31 1938Strong S wind, too strong to continue.
13062766LMWF 2152 53-24.04 411 48 W-24.04 5211Jan 31-Feb 01 1938Power failed. Exp stopped. S.E. wind.
13062767LMWF 1106 04+26.67 020 58 W+26.67 4745Jan 31-Feb 01 1938S.E. breeze increasing towards end.
13062768LMWF 1266 180.07 491 31 W0.08 3445Jan 31-Feb 01 1938N breeze.
13062769LMWF 1337 09-13.28 361 27 W-13.29 2145Jan 31-Feb 01 1938N breeze.
13062770LMWF 1508 11-49.19 231 12 W-49.110 0845Jan 31-Feb 01 1938N breeze.
13062771LMWF 1458 49-33.910 101 21 W-33.910 5545Jan 31-Feb 01 1938N breeze.
13062772LMWF 169 32-25.110 571 25 W-25.111 4245Jan 31-Feb 01 1938N breeze.
13062773LMWF 15710 09-56.011 441 35 W-56.012 2945Jan 31-Feb 01 1938N breeze. Damp. Dew Cap Heater on.
13062774LHLF3 20-55.04 461 26 W-55.05 3145Feb 01-02 1938N.E. Breeze.
13062775LHLF3 44-45.05 331 49 W-45.06 1845Feb 01-02 1938N.E. Breeze. Increased.
13062776LHLF4 54-25.06 201 26 W-25.07 0545Feb 01-02 1938N.E. Wind.
13062777LLMC5 26-69.07 071 41 W-69.07 5245Feb 01-02 1938N.E. Wind. Fairly strong.
13062778LMWF 1205 58+8.67 561 58 W+8.68 4145Feb 01-02 1938N.E. Wind. Became stronger.
13062779LMWF 1216 21+8.88 432 22 W+8.89 2845Feb 01-02 1938N Wind.
13062780LMWF 1407 11-29.99 322 21 W-29.910 1745Feb 01-02 1938Very strong. N wind. Wind too strong to continue.