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NYork March 7. 1823.

D [[superscript]] r [[/superscript]] Sir.

I have received from D [[superscript]] r [[/superscript]] Mitchill a box of minerals for the Institute, which I will send to you by one of the earliest opportunities by water.

It has not been in my power to obtain them sooner, nor did I urge the delivery of them during the winter, because I should not have been able to send them to you before the opening of navigation in your rivers.

As I did not see these specimens on their arrival from Italy, it is impossible for me to say whether they are all contained in this box, but I understand from D[[superscript]]r[[/superscript]] Mitchill that there were many specimens of the same varieties, some of which specimens were given as presents by Commodore Stewart. But that enough remain to complete the original assortment.
I am with great respect
Yr. Ob. Ser [[superscript]] t [[/superscript]]
H. Meigs.

Asbury Dickins Esquire.