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July 1. Saw a lot of birds of the kind numbered bird No. 2 on an island. Wounded one, but it fell on the [[underline]] plane [[/underline]] ^[[island]] and we couldn't get it.

July 3. Took my first picture with the Smithsonian kodak. It was of four people, one Chinese and three aborigines, a Rong, a Chiang, and a Chuan Miao. This first picture was a failure.

I took no coffee, tea, candy (except some chocolate), cookies, cake, or the like with me, expecting to "live off the land" a good deal. I rode no horse and took no sedan chair, planning to cut expenses by footing it as much as possible.

On this trip I had to practically run a dispensary every day to keep the coolies and helpers in condition.

July 4th - This was certainly a day ending in a nightmare, and one not familiar with things Chinese would have been up against it. My helper that was constantly making trouble with his tongue almost raised a riot by unwise words, which might have resulted in roughnecks stealing our guns while my men were unprotected on the streets. My visit to the magistrate straightened things out for several days to come. A generous present to this official counted not a little in settling all these difficult matters. Such is life in West China, and such is collecting here, [[underline]] but [[/underline]] I am very glad to do it - in fact, I [[underline]] like to. [[/underline]]

I had sent word to the netter, Ho, to meet me at Chengtu but he did not do so, so I will have him net around Kuan Shien and Beh Luh Din where there are many insects I have not yet caught. Firing the coolie who rows so much leaves me short two collectors, but I'll aim to make up for it by using natives in the interior.

This morning I broke the best glasses I brought along with me. I left them on the table. Probably a rat knocked them off onto the ground, and I stepped on them when I got up this morning. 

My feet got sore today, but there are no blisters, so they will be all right tomorrow.

I left safely put away at home in Suifu most of the traps, the newest double-barrelled shotgun, fully half the collecting outfit, and most of the ammunition. This was 1, to save expenses on this trip everywhere possible. 2, So that