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-5- Mammals ^[[258661-Pseudois]] 1173-1176 ^[[Pseudois(258662)]] are mountain sheep skins and [[circled]]a wild boar[[/circled]] skin killed last spring near Wen Chuan Shien. Mammal 1177 ^[[#258673-Naemorhaedus]] is a cliff goat killed by D.C. Graham near Mu San Tsai, which is on the mountain above Dong Men Wei. The altitude where it was killed is about 9000 feet. July 27. Last night we had a wonderful catch of night moths. Filled Box 65. Caught near Mu Sang Tsai, alt. 8900 to 9000 feet. Filled Box 66. Insects from Mu Sang Tsai, alt. 8900 - 10000 feet. Today it took the netters until nearly noon to wrap up the moths we caught last night. This afternoon we all collected in the mountain in back of the temple. I hunted for big game, but saw none. July 28. Filled Boxx 67. Insects, alt. 8900 to 10000 feet. Filled box 68. Insects caught last night at Mu Sang Tsai last night, alt. 8900 feet. We went down the mountain over a very difficult and somewhat dangerous path to Dong Men Wai. The wind blew so hard that we caught almost nothing. We spent considerable time wrapping the insects caught last night. Altitude at Dong Men Wei 5600 feet. There are yellow monkeys and wild boar around here, but they are hardly worth shooting. Last night secured ^[[Rattus No. 258521-258522]] mammals No. 1178-1179. July 29. We had the collector Yao dry the skull of the mountain ^[[#258673]] goat I recently killed. The rascal carelessly burnt it until it is quite ruined. Some teeth are broken off, the horns are burnt, and a hole burnt in the skull. I gave him a big scolding. Later in the day he brought in a bag snake. It was very poor weather for collecting today, with a high wind
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