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hunting. The altitude of Tao Lei Pin is just 6000 feet (the aneroid says 6050)

Aug. 9. I am now in the home of the Chiang Chief of this region, in a Chiang village called Yien Tsi Ten, altitude 8000 feet. I will remain here tomorrow, and return to O' Er hoping to kill some big game. 

Aug. 10. It rained hard all day, keeping us indoors. At night the men and women of the neighborhood, Chiang aborigines, gathered and gave a folk-dance for the benefit of Mr. Torrance and me. Near the close they sang as they danced in good idiomatic Chinese , "Mr. Graham has faced many hardships in climbing these mountains, may he come wealthy when he goes back home."

Aug. 11. I left Yien Tsi Ten early in the morning and by hard travel reached O Er by dark, 80 li of mountainous country. The men I left behind at O Er did pretty good work in getting insects. I visited the local official or chief and arranged to leave on a hunting trip tomorrow. 

Aug. 12. Today we travelled up a big valley far beyond any human habitation, and tonight are living in tents. I shot one squirrel, Mammal No. 1188 ^[[ [[Tameoxis?]] (258542)]], resembling a large chipmunk. We got some good insects. There was no road, but just a path through the dense brush and deep grass. The coolies had an exceedingly hard time, and we had to wait for them a great deal. Sometimes the underbrush was so thick overhead that the coolies could hardly get through with their loads. There were some stiff climbs. We have two guides, who assure