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-10- us that there is lots of big game, but we will have to travel most of tomorrow to get to the camping place. Aug. 13. We started early and the coolies travelled better than yesterday. The underbrush was thicker, and we got into the region of rhododendrons. By hard travel we reached the camping place at one o'clock, after crossing fallen tree trunks, small streams, hills, etc. We saw tracks of the black bear, I killed a grouse or pheasant. I think it is new to my collecting. The poor coolies did not bring any bedding and keep warm around a fire all night, at least [[space left here for later text insertion?]] are sick. We are living in a tent, but the guides and two coolies are in a nearby cave. I expect tomorrow to climb up a high mountain to shoot the big horned mountain goat called Pan Yang. We did not know how far this is, and thought it could be reached in one day. We expect provisions to come tomorrow, and our food is very low. Today we ate the pheasant meat and used two kinds of wild grass for vegetables, one a wild onion and the other a wild celery. This is a rich spot to collect in. One should spend a month here. We are far beyond human habitation surrounded by mountains and forests. Mr. Pen is with me, collecting and the other collectors are at O' Er. The altitude where we have pitched our tent is [[strikethrough]]1200[[/strikethrough]] ^[[12500]] feet. Aug. 14. With the two native guides I climbed up the steep mountain side past a large snow-bank to a cave or rock shelter at
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