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We are above any human habitation and there are woods all around us. Tonight the moths are coming to the lantern so fast that two men cannot catch them as fast as they come. 
Filled Box No. 75. Insects caught between the altitudes 9000 to 15200 feet. (Dry insects.)
August 17. Filled boxes 76-86. Insects secured near Wei Chow. 
Last night we had the largest catch of night moths that we have secured this summer. For awhile two men could not catch all the moths that came. 
This morning we came back to O Er, arriving at noon. This after-noon I went hunting and killed a big black bear. We have it partly skinned. 
The bear appeared yesterday and ate a lot of the farmers' corn. This afternoon ten natives, several with guns, posted themselves around the forest on the side hill where it was known that the bear was hiding. Three or four of them went through the forest and chased the bear out in the direction where I was waiting with the Newton high-power rifle. After a while he appeared, about 300 yards away, on the side of the mountain. The first shot missed but the second killed him dead. He was running when I fired. He rolled to the bottom of the hill and lay in some brush. I went up to him cautiously but he was stone dead. He was a male weighing about 300 lbs. It took from four to six men to carry it up the mountain to O' Er. The measurements are, 
1, 1540 m.m.
2, 100 "
3, 243 "

Dr. Miller's Scale.