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snakes or mammals worth using. We caught a good many grasshoppers. Last night and this morning we met many Chinese soldiers going to the interior to fight another Chinese army.

Aug. 24. We got all packed last night. This morning we got an early start and travelled to Wen Chuan, where we will remain until Monday, the twenty-eighth, when we will start for Chengtu.

It was exceedingly hot and dry today and there was a stong wind, so there were very few insects. We got some snails and lizards.

The soldiers at Wei Chow were very friendly and made no trouble.

Aug. 25. This morning I sent the student collecters San and Pen and the netter Yao to a place high up on the mountain side near the timber line. They will collect there two nights and come back Sunday morning. I am packing and arranging for the final trip to Chengtu. I have a Wa Si aborigine collector working in the mountains near here. [[insertion]] ^[[(Wen Chuan)]] [[/insertion]] He sent me word that he had seven large mammals. I sent a messenger this morning and he should show up tomorrow night. I also sent a messenger to Yang Fong Tsang and Ho Son Chuen, who are collecting between here and Chengtu, two days from here, requesting them to have their collection ready so that we can go on promptly without delay and to have men called to carry the loads.

This afternoon we had a severe earthquake lasting about four minutes, and we had a tiny after-shock about three hours later. Many large boulders rolled down the mountains and great clouds of dust were seen in all directions, across the river from here a man was killed. Some foreigners who passed through early this afternoon were caught in one of the worst places and had some narrow