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Aug. 30. We got a fine early start, and went 20 li before breakfast. About nine o'clock a heavy rain came up delaying us at least an hour. At Kuanshien I had to get the loads through several customs offices. Then I climbed the hill to the nearby summer resort, and visited foreign friends there. I went to the Post Office and got money for the rest of the trip, then went to the magistrate's office and the military headquarters and secured passports to make possible the trip to Chengtu. I have 27 man-loads of specimens and equipment, most of them for the Smithsonian Institution but some for the ethnological museum of the West China Union University. Late this afternoon another rain came up. We wrapped the insects gathered last night this evening. The three netters got up at one o'clock and worked until daylight. On account of the stars few came to the lanterns, so they went out with lanterns and nets in their hands and netted night moths as they flew out of the grass. Tonight they were pretty nearly fagged out, but they got a good catch. They have put much heart into this summer's expedition.

A number of the coolies added in the interior are returning from here. So there has been some rearranging and repacking to do for the final stretch of two days to Chengtu.

Aug. 31. Travelled to Pih Shien, 70 li. We followed the motor road instead of going into the town, and it saved a little distance in travel. The day was sunny, and fairly cool after yesterday's rain.