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Sept. 18. Wrapped boxes 141-150, insects caught July and August at Beh Luh Din. I also spent the entire evening until eleven o'clock with Prof. Ho of the biology department of the University going over the summer collection from Chungking. Prof. Ho collected under adverse conditions in the Chungking district, having his actual expenses paid, but receiving no salary, and has turned his entire collection over to me for the Smithsonian Institution. Luck and conditions were against him, but he got 3 or 4 thousand specimens, which will be duly forwarded to the U.S. National Museum. I mailed 10 boxes of specimens today. 

Sept. 19. Today I mailed 10 boxes of insects and also hired a carpenter to make boxes to hold the large mammal skins. The insects are from Beh Luh Din. 

Sept. 20, 1933. Numbered Boxes 151-162 Insects from Beh Luh Din, secured last summer. 

We got a good collection of night moths last night. 

Sept. 21, '33. We got a good collection of night moths last night. 

Labelled Boxes 161-162 so that they are ready to mail. 

Sept. 22. Labelled and wrapped boxes 163-172, insects from Beh Luh Din. 

Sept. 23. Mailed boxes 163-172

Mailed up and labeled 173-183, all Beh Luh Din insects secured last summer.