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Sept. 24. Today the collector Wan^[[g]] from the Mupin District arrived. he has been hampered by Civil War and brigands, and brought only 18 snakes and some frogs after five month's work. The robbers took from him a big black bear skin. He took two black mountain goat skins in June to Dr. Crook in Yachow. During the summer insects destroyed the hides.

I told him we couldn't afford to pay wages and get nearly nothing. I advised him to work at his carpenter trade and if he brought anything in I'd pay him for that and wages while travelling to and from Chengtu. I am now not guaranteeing him a salary.

Sept. 25. Today I mailed 14 boxes of insects from Beh Luh Din. 

Sept. 27. Filled boxes 184 - insects got 70 miles north of Chungking. 

185 - Insects from Chengtu

186 - Insects from Chengtu

187 - Insects from Rashien, on the Yangtse River east of Chungking. 

188 - Insects from near Chungking alt. 2500 feet.

189 - Insects from Chungking

190 - Insects from Rashien

191 - " " " [[dittos for: Insects from Rashien]]

192 - " " [[dittos for: Insects from]] Chungking

193 - " [[ditto for: Insects]] in bottles 

Yang Fong Tsang arrived today. He wanted to send some of his wages home, and get some clothes made.