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February 1, 1934. Filled box 279. Insects value 3.00 mammal 1314.

Mailed today seven boxes of specimens and packed four more for shipping. 

February 2, 1933. Mailed four larger boxes of specimens. Filled box 280 skulls of mammals.. In box 281 mammal 1333 is the female hanyang or large-horned goat. 

Box 282 a black mt. goat skin No. 1331 $12.00

Box 283 is skin 1328.

A white-black mountain goat $10.00.

February 5, 1934. Mailed two more large boxes of specimens. The carpenter is making boxes in which the large skins may be packed. 

February 6, 1934. Box 284 animal 1330. 

Box 285 animal 1329. 

Today we dried one of the White Panda skins which had not been thoroughly dried. We filled the above boxes for shipping. 

I killed two [[underlined]]tame[[/underlined]]^[[tiny]] woodpeckers and had them skinned. 

February 7, 1934. Today I weighed the skins and put most of them in large boxes for shipment. Filled Box 285, animal skulls 6.00 286, same 4.00. Box 287, skull, $4.00 288, animal skin 12.00. The skins mentioned above are being prepared for shipment. I am required to give their names and weights by the customs officials. 

No. 1317, White Panda 13 catties 17 lbs.
No. 1324, talsin 23 lbs.
No. 1323, " [[ditto for: talsin]] 15 " [[ditto for: lbs.]]
No. 1318, " [[ditto for: talsin]] 42 " [[ditto for: lbs.]]
No. 1322, " [[ditto for: talsin]] 38 " [[ditto for: lbs.]]
No. 1314, " [[ditto for: talsin]] 42 " [[ditto for: lbs.]]
No. 1320, " [[ditto for: talsin]] 22 " [[ditto for: lbs.]]
No. 1315, Antelope cliff ass 14 lbs. 
No. 1316, " " " [[ditto for: Antelope cliff ass]] 13 lbs.
No. 1321, " " " [[ditto for: Antelope cliff ass]] 14 lbs.
No. 1319, Talsin 16 Lbs.
No. 1325, White Panda 19 lbs. 
No. 1326, Wild Boar 15 lbs.
No. 1327, White Panda 21 lbs. 
  Wght 25 cats.