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May 26, 1934. I have laid off the netter Yao for a month.  I have written several very urgent letters to the Smithsonian Institution requesting information as to what money could be available for next year, and also asking that the remainder of the $1000.00 promised for the year 1933-34 be forwarded to me.  I have received no response whatever.  I dare not, therefore, make definite plans for next summer's work. I have a shipment of skins I'd like to get sent off, but I am afraid to send them without further information and assurance that money from the Smithsonian Institution will be forthcoming. 

June 4, 1934.  I am laying off collectors because I have no information that money has been sent me at Shanghai. I have laid off the collector Yao a month.  Ren is collecting at Kuanshien.  He brought back 4 boxes of insects and is going again tomorrow.

One thing I have not mentioned in these notes. My wife was in the hospital six weeks during March and April.  She was so near death that she was not expected to live.  In May she had a major operation from which she is now in the hospital recovering. 

June 11, 34.  We have received news that the money has been provided for further work, and has been received at Shanghai. 

Ho [[underlined]]Son[[/underlined]]^[[Sou]] Chuan has returned from his vacation.  San is beginning to practice up for the summer work.  I have received a government passport for the shipment of animal skins, and will send it off at the first opportunity.  I will mail some bird skins and some insects. 

Box 329 is 25 birdskins, 
     value 6.00
Box 330 - 8 bird skeletons
          4 bottles insects
          value 3.00
Box 331, Birdskins
          value $3.00
Box 332 - 5 Insects
          value 3.00 each

June 14, 34.  Mailed
Five [[underlined]]boxes of specimens.[[/underlined]]

June 15, 1934.  Filled box 336, a mammal, small fox
  value $3.00

June 22, 34. Filled Boxes 337 - 9 Insects from Kuanshien.