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^[[[Nov. 1, 1934-Oct. 25, 1935]]]  [[circled]] ^[[1]] [[/circled]]

David C. Graham, Diary No. E. Beginning Nov. 1, 1934. The first skin is mammal No. 1371. The first box of specimens is Box No. 499.

Nov.1 - Yaw came in with three boxes of insects. Filled box 499. Snakes - Value $30.00.

Nov.10 - Mailed one box of specimens. Filled boxes 500-502. Insects from near Huanshix at Zen Shinhan.

Nov.16 - The collector Zen returned last night with two boxes of specimens and the mammal hunter came in today with a big catch of mammals. Filled boxes 503-504. Insects from the fort of Beh Luh Din, altitude about 3000 feet. Box 505, insects and fossils. Value $30.00.

Nov.17 - Partly to cut down expense I am sending one collector, Mr. Zen, home for about a three months' vacation without salary. The mammal hunter has brung in a large catch, and an expensive one. I may have to limit what the collector of big mammals does because of shortness of funds.

Nov.24 - I am including this red panda with the idea that its skin may be used for patching another red panda hide. I am having these hides and skulls all boxed up for shipment.

Dec. 2 - The Smithsonian account is overdrawn at Shanghai, so I am selling all the mammmals mentioned above to Dr. Harold Smith of Upsala, Sweden, to be taken to the Swedish Museum. I am hoping that money will arrive in time so that I can buy and keep the skins the hunter brings back next time.

Mammal number 1374 is retained. Mammals 1371, 1372, 1373, 1375, 1376, 1377, 1378 must be renumbered as new mammal skins when they arrive.

Dec. 9 - Ho Son^[[u]] Chuen and Yaw ^[[Yao]] have arrived with small catches. There is a porcupine and a very large eagle. Mammal 1371, porcupine, $4.00. There were five good pheasant skins, three useless.

[[two columns]]
[[first column]]
Mammal 1372, Red panda with skeleton, Value - 
Mammal 1373, Wild cat
Mammal 1376, 1377, 1378, Squirrels
Mammal 1379, Wild rat, large
Mammal 1380, squirrel
Mammal 1381, mole
Mammal 1382, rat
Mammal 1383, mole
Mammal 1384, mole
Mammal 1385, mole
Mammal 1386, mouse
Mammal 1387, mole
Mammal 1388, mole
Mammal 1389, mole
Mammal 1390, mole
Mammal 1391, mole
Mammal 1392, mole
[[/first column]]
[[second column]]
Mammal 1393, mole
Mammal 1394, mole
Mammal 1395, mole
Mammal 1396, mole
Mammal 1397, mole
Mammal 1398, mouse
Mammal 1399, mouse
Mammal 1400, mouse
Mammal 1401, mole
Mammal 1402, mole
Mammal 1403, mouse
Mammal 1404, mole
Six birds.
[[/second column]]

Transcription Notes:
Handwritten date and page number on the same line. Date aligned middle and page number aligned right and circled. Hand-written text "u" inserted above the first letter "n" in the name "Ho Son Chen." Hand-written text "Yao" entered aboved second instance of the name "Yaw." Second column starts after "Mammal 1392, mole."