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the midst of Beauty. Some of the girls have "boy on the brain" instead of the  desire for knowledge. I do get disgusted sometimes at them. My roommate is a good sensible girl, for which I am very thankful.
The next Friday P.M. the 21 of April, Lillian Anderson, Mrs. Towers, and I were invited to the Children's Picnic which was held in a grove a short distance from town. It was a lovely day, and it was by all spent pleasantly. We had an excellent dinner. In the afternoon - that is after dinner which was at about three.
[[written sideways in the margin]] (Ramsey, S.C.) This is Oct. 1899 Making up lost time [[dash connected to the next line]]
The little boys ran races. The winner received a knife from Prof. Bailey. There were also other contests by the little girls, such as whistling, hopping, standing on one foot for the longest, etc. All the children enjoyed it so much. Before dinner one little girl fell in the mud and cried. I led her up the bank and pacified her by telling her little tales and it made her forget her trouble. There was the cutest little fat boy "Joe". He let me lead him home. When we got almost to the Hall he started back and Lillian and I had to chase him away from the streets. At last we got him with his sister, who was a wee bit bigger than he. The[[sic]] went on home together.[[end page]]
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I was tired when I returned to the hall, but it was after a good P.M.'s outing.
After the three picnics in the week, I felt I would have to study hard to make up the lost time. I worked hard in the Art rooms. Made my "ducks," "black and white scene," "puppies" etc. I made two pictures "roses," one for Lila Black and one for Lillian Anderson.
May 5th Prof. Bailey gave a picnic to the whole school. We walked about two miles from town to a lovely grove. It was a pleasant day, and all seemed to enjoy themselves. Miss Janie Cogley and I were together in the P.M. and had a very pleasant talk, then we were joined by Messrs Griffin and Asbill. We had some fun over cake and lemon pie.
I studied hard during the last of school. Preparing for examinations Mean while I had made myself a gingham dress with  hand and a black skirt on machine.
I made a blue shirtwaist to wear home. I only had one examination. It was on Christian Evidence. I made 100 on daily recitation, and 97 in examination. Mr. Asbil Mrs. Towers and I made the same - the highest in the class. Before commencement they changed the chapel to a dining room. The night after they had it fixed, the faculty gave us a little reception. The ^[[insertion]] boys [[/insertion]] drew cuts or papers to ^[[insertion]] get a girl to [[/insertion]] go with them to the table. I think I