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went with Mr. Morse. We had a jolly time that night. Mrs. Asbill and I did not play "Bingo" etc.
One day while out walking, we [[insertion]] girls [[/insertion]] met two little darkey girls. They were cutting up and talking to us, and we teased them. I had a stick in my hand. A large dog was with the darkeys. I turned around when the darkies were coming up biking, and said waving my stick, "Now you git." The old dog jumped at me like he would tear me to pieces. We girls were frantic for a while, we were so scared. I did not bother those kids any more.
We had a delsarte drill for commencement. We had a fine time with it. Like we did in Miss Gollars at the Seminary. During Commence week the best night was the childrens. They did fine. They had several contests and music etc. I grew tired of so much stuff. Tuesday night they had gun drills and the Delsarte drill. I recited "Perdita" that evening. The next night was "our night," the graduates. We all went down and had our pictures taken Wed. evening. I rode down with Prof. Baily and Mr. Asbill drove me back. Prof. Baily would not let us have company during commencement. Wed. night we "said our pieces" received our "sheep skins." After we returned to the Hall. The gave a banquet to the Alumni. We had a fine old
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time that night. Rose Ayer and I were together almost all the time. She was a little girl not much taller than I. "The little girls" were the best of friends but it was such a short time and we parted perhaps never to meet again. Dear little Rose, how I would like to see her. 
Next day May 25, we had to part. I was real sorry to leave Edgefield. I did have some real good friends there. How I would like to see them all. I was sad and happy too. I was glad to go home, still I knew I was leaving friends whom I never more would meet on earth. We had a perfect social next morning for all the boys and girls were together for the first or second time for a good while, and of course after commencement they could do as they pleased. At two o'clock we started from Edgefield. The train was packed until we got to Trenton then I came North. Miss Allie Forte and another lady whose name I forget and Mr. Quattlebauer went north as far as Johnson the next station above Trenton. Then I was alone until I reached Bloomington. The only chang I had was at Columbia S.C. From there I went through to Washington D. C. It was a lovely spring evening. I watched the sun go down behind the tall green pines. The moon came up and greeted the lonely little girl. How I watched the old moon and it seemed to speak and cheer me on my lonely journey. The next morning I reached our nations capital. After going about in the