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Jessie Trippet came home with us and staid until Monday morning. Sunday P. M. we all took a drive. Hile and Myrt Jessie R. and Grant, Jesse T and I. We went to Granville and back. Jesse wanted to smoke while with me but I forbid it. 
Besse and Willard Clayton spent three weeks with me in Sept. Besse was as wild as ever. Willard is very nice indeed.
Aunt Fannie and Mack spent several days with us in Sept. 
During all this time in spite of so much fruit and things to put away, and company to entertain, I was trying to get sewing done to start for the South. I was kept very busy for a while.
The 10 of Oct. my twenty first birthday. Morgantown gave a grand reception to Capt. Chadwick of the [[insertion]] ship [[/insertion]] New York. Capt. C was accompanied by, Admiral Sampson. A $1000 sword was presented to the Capt. It was a big day for West Virginians. It was very warm in the P. M. I spent a little while [[insertion]] in my [[/insertion]] at Cousin Nora's. There were several people robbed
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that day, by "pick-pockets." I got a new trunk that evening and Keenans brought it out in wagon. They borrowed our wagon for the day. The next day I packed up in the morning and about one oclock I left home for the station - Morgantown. After kissing all good by we journeyed on. Tom Keenan took me up. He also took Sins (Sins) trunk in our wagon. I went to Dr. Brock's to let him see how my vaccination was getting along. That was the 10 day. After doing a little shopping I went to depot. I saw Besse Martin one of my school friends at the depot. I had to pay 40 cts. extra for my large trunk.
The eleventh day of October I started on my second trip to S. C., after bidding farewell to my loved ones and my dearest native hills. I was so wrapped in the thought of the plans of my winters work (first experience in teaching), I had almost forgotten I was going South for my health. Alcinda Lazzelle who had been visiting us during the summer, went home [[insertion]] on same train [[/insertion]] as I went. She lived in Grafton. We left Morgantown on the five oclock train in the evening. Brother Rufus came up from