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Ramsey, S.C.
Sunday Jan. 14 - Last Sunday I went to Westerfield to church and heard Mr Airs, the Baptist Minister, preach a fine sermon on Christlike character. In the afternoon Marian Cain and wife [[insert]] son [[/insert]] and sisters-in-law were here. The baby is but four months old. I wrote letter home Monday I went to school as usual. About all of the scholars were there. Tuesday and Wednesday we went to school as usual. We decided upon having an entertainment at the close of school. It will be held here in the passage. Thursday it rained very hard. They took us to school in the carriage. No one was there except the children from here, Lois, Ida and Frank. We had school at twelve oclock they came for us and brought us home. The rain poured steady almost all day. Thursday evening it had quit and we went to "Toms" and "Sarah"'s wedding. Ida Lois Frank Jameson and myself with "Isaac" the colored driver. Sarah wore a grey  dress trimmed in brown silk and lace and pink ribbon. She wore a bridal veil with some artificial flowers in her hair. Tom wore a new black suit. Both looked very well for darkies. Tom was on the wrong side and he has Sarah's arm. Part of the time he
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had his hand to his chin and part of the time he was standing on one foot. After a long ceremony they were made man and wife. No wonder Tom got tired. This was his third wife. Tom's second wife had been dead two months. He was engaged to Sarah before he married the second time. "Isaac" wanted to stay to get cake and lemonade so we had to stay too about ten minutes after ceremony. We got a slice of cake too. Mrs. Cain baked two of the cakes so they were clean. Mr. Airs was here that evening. He is from Kentucky. It was nine oclock when we got home from the wedding.
Friday morning we went  to school . When we reached the schoolhouse I found I had forgotten the key. We had been leaving it under the ^[[insert]] school [[/insert]] house but we were afraid Isaac would see where we put it Thursday I carried it home. We took an old ax and pried open a shutter and Bryce Ramsey crawled in the window. He then opened the window nearest the ground and put out a long board so the rest of us could walk up the board and step through the window on the seat and move to the floor. (Once before this some one crawled in  the window and stole my white apron and some