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Ramsey, S.C.
Feb. 25, 1900. Last Sunday I went to church and heard an excellent sermon. Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday went to school as usual. Thursday was Washington's birthday and we did not have school. It was such a windy day I was glad there was no school. Friday we had school. It was rather cold. None of Ramsey's were at school and it was so unusual we came by on our way home. We found Hattie real sick and Matt and Boyce had been sick. Friday evening Mr. Dwight Cain and I went to Wedgefield to Mrs. Millets and took tea.  They had a social during the evening. I did not take part in the "dancing play."  We had a pleasant evening.
Saturday, Mr. Dwight C, Mrs. Cain and I, with "West" as driver went to Sumter. I got my jacket cut and fit. She will send it out Wed. or some time after that.  She charged $2.00 for making it. My dress will be real pretty with my [[purplsied?]] waist. It poured the rain down all the way home, but as we were in a closed carriage did not get wet. I did not go to church today. Feel bad. Read & wrote letters to Grant, Rufus, Vell and Mr. P.
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Ramsey, S.C.
Tuesday March sixth. It snowed (Feb 26) Monday and we did not have school. Mrs. Cain was sick too Monday and Tues. Tuesday we had school as usual. At recess took my goods to Miss Rivers to get her to make my skirt. We practiced Tuesday evening. The wind blew cold that evening. [[insert]] I received invitation from Mrs. Dwight to spend Sat & Sunday at their home. [[/insert]] Miss Susie Jackson came with the Koll children. Ida Reams spent the day here all enjoyed the rehearsal. Wednesday, went to school as usual. Thursday the same. Friday school as usual. Came home tired. 
Oh yes, Saturday morning Mr. Sammie Cain came for me and I spent until Sunday evening at Dr. G.M. Dwights. I had a very pleasant visit. Sunday was a beautiful spring day. I went with the family to the [[?]] in [[?]] Church. The drive was very much enjoyed. Part of the way was perfectly level, and then we came to small hills. It reminded me of our old mountain state scenes. The church is an old building. It was build I suppose during in the times of Southern prosperity. It is all stucco work, floor and all. It made a very picturesque appearance on that bright Sunday morning. It was nicely furnished for a country church, but in those days ^[[in South]] luxury was not confined to city and town. A grave yard was on the right back of the church. All was like an old picture or like some description in a book. Mr. Sammie C. brought us back Sunday evening. We [[?]] to at Dr. DS. Dr. has a lovely wife and sweetest children. Singleton, Ida, Mary Carter and "Lucky" or Frances Marion.