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Ramsey S.C.
Saturday evening, April seventh,
I was sick last week and was not out much. This week I feel like my self again. I was not well enough to go to church last Sunday. I have taught all this week. Hattie has been sick all this week. I have been getting along very nicely so far with my school. I received letter Wednesday from Prof P. I have not yet heard from the MacMillan Co. about that book. It is hindering me so much in my correspondence work. I have now a plan in mind to go to Byron W. King's school next summer. I have asked Prof. Bailey for a position in his school [[insertion]] for [[/insertion]] next year.
My winter has been quiet but pleasant. The B.Y.P.W. convention met at Edgefield this week. Mrs. Cain, Scot and Mr. Dwight C. went. I expected to go, but after hearing about the mumps raging in the school, I thought it better not to go, as I am just getting over the grip.
I went out to call on Hattie this P.M. Frank Cain went with me. Hattie is much better. Ida & I went to Sumter Tuesday
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on the noon train. I took back my jacket to get it taken up. It was too big. I did not have time to wait until it was finished, so now I will have to send for it. I bought me a pretty spring hat for 2.00 As I came home this P.M. I met Mr. and Mrs. Millet. She invited me to spend next Friday evening to Sunday morning with them. Of course I was glad to accept the kind invitation. The people around here are very nice to me. Today has been a perfect spring day. I wore a percale dress and and spring hat today. I felt almost like it were summer. The Matt Ramsey is was here this evening.
I hope this book (if ever it falls into hands other than the writers) will not be judged as characteristic of the writer. Under various circumstances, it has been written. I am so sleepy now. This book is not intended for other eyes than the writer's, and so here they are forever closed. I hope this book will be laid in the fire. This is only a journal of my outward life for two years. God alone keeps record of the rest.