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Maidsville, W.Va. June 3.1900
I am behind again in my journal. 
I spent a very pleasant April. [[strikethrough]] On [[/strikethrough]] Saturday April 14 was spent at Mr. Peter Mellets, [[Grandgripe?]] Easter was spent at Dr. Dwights. We went to the Trinity church. Dr. D. bought me home on Sunday evening. I had a pleasant time. The next week it rained almost constantly. Mr & Mrs. Eyers [[insertion]] & daughter [[/insertion]] spent [[insertion]] Sat P.M. [[/insertion]] Sunday Apr 21d and Monday at Mr. Cains. Miss Elvira wore no. 3 shoes. She is nine years old Very biggoted in mann toward the Cain children (The same Monday Apr 23. we all went Fishing.) Sunday Miss Till and went to Bethel, about five miles, to church. On account of the heavy rains, the "branch" over which we had to cross was swollen very much. But we forded it. Miss Till avoided the water by resting her feet on the splash board, and I just held my dress and stuck out my feet. Then after all we were a little wet. The water was up to the seat. As we came back Mr. McClow drove across and we walked the foot bridge. Now, the fishing. We caught enough to have for dinner. I caught three. Mr. C. has a large fish pond.
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The following week was spent in sewing I made three shirt waists, and playing with the children. The last Sunday I spent at the Cains was rather sad. We spent most of the day away. Lois, Ida and I took dinner at Mrs. Reams. We started home about three o'clock. We stopped to say good bye to the Kolb children, and then at Mr. Barkbys and then we called on the Nesbits.
Mrs. Reams gave me six guinea eggs.
The evening at Mr. Cains was certainly sad. Hattie, Matt, Bryce and Mary Lou Ramsey came over to call. They spent they evening. It was rather hard to say good bye to all my dear scholars, for every one of them were certainly very dear to me. How it would be to be with them all once more, but no, it can hardly be.
Monday morning the thirtieth of April. I packed my trunk. In the P.M. I fixed the flowers in a basket. I had several ^ [[insertion]] of funny kinds [[/insertion]] cuttings the people gave me. I had a large basket full Mr. Cain went to the pond for water lilies for me. Hattie R. came, Mrs. Reams, and the Nesbit girls came. Lois & Frank gave me a pr of pigeons.