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after getting every thing arranged I started for the depot. Ida and Hattie took me in a buggy. Mr Cain and the children with trunk went in wagon. It was a sad parting. They were to me as sisters & brothers. It was a pleasant home and I will ever hold [[insertion]] sacred [[/insertion]] it in my memory. [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] Mr. Harvin went to Sumter that evening. I started from Bain station. I changed at Sumter and Florence. Mr. H was very nice in getting my ticket and baggage checked.
So April 30, 1900 I started once more for my native W. Va. hills. It rained all eveing. After I started from Sumter, I spent a pleasant night traveling. Glad to be going, [[insertion]] home [[/insertion]], still sorry to leave my dear friends. I arrived in Washington next morning "May Day" at about eight o'clock.
As I neared W. I could see I was coming to sort-of a wintry country. When I started from S.C. the T. was 84,0 almost ever day for over a week. Spring in W. Va is certainly very late. Leaves were full size in S.C. in W. Va. some trees were completely leafless. I did a little shopping in Washington. At 10:55 A.M. I started for Piedmont, where I
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got off I visited Lottah King and Aunt Jane until May seventh. I had a very pleasant visit. On Monday [[insert]] at 8:30 [[/insert]] May, 7, I started home. The mountains were beautiful, but not so bright as in Oct. They were getting on their beautiful spring gowns. I reached Randall [[insert]] about [[/insert]] 3.10 [[strikethrough]] about [[/strikethrough]] P.M. They made a mistake and Walter went to Morgantown after me. I had failed to get their cards receive back to me. So here I am at home.
I spent Tuesday making a flowerbed to put my flowers in. Hurt my arm in doing so. Planted flowers, the roses [[insert]] except one or two [[/insert]] have died, and some others also. I have spent since the 1st of May in sewing. I made Vell a silk waist, Bess a shirt waist [[insert]] magnificent [[/insert]] help make Eva Halls dress, Vell's dress, Bess's skirt, and made all of my denim skirt and my white dress and Bess's blue dimity dress. I haven't finished it yet.
First Sunday [[insert]] May 13 [[/insert]] I was at home Vell, Willie Bowlby Willie Reed, Ella Courley, in P.M. the Ridgway children came down.
Next Sunday May 20. After Sunday S. we went to Maidsvills preaching. Bess Myrt and I got to Bethel too late for S.S. [[?]] Etta and the two sweet little boys came home with us.