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It was still getting colder. I spent part of Saturday drawing and spent some part of the day with Rufus. It was so cold. Rufus came up to see me every day. He is so good to me. The house was so cold we could hardly keep warm. Saturday night we had a little frozen custard and sprinted in the buggy to see Simon Smith. I was so cold Sunday. I shivered around the fire all day, writing letters. I spent lots of time down in Miss Andersons room. We did not go to church. It snowed almost all day. [[insertion]] No Sunday school in the morning. [[/insertion]] We had singing in the parlor in the evening. It was too cold to have it in Chapel. All we could do was trying to keep warm. Monday the snow was about a foot deep. It was warmer out doors than it was in the house They were not prepared for such weather. Astronomy began Tuesday and I began with the class. Tuesday evening it was three degrees below zero. It seemed to me to be twenty. I wore my coat and fascinator around my neck part of the time. I expected to take a severe cold but I did not at all. The weather began to moderate Wednesday evening, and still got warmer Thursday. Friday I got several things in mail, two packages and the best letters. I got a lovely little German Testament from Mr. P.
I had a very pleasant time in the parlor Friday evening. The boys & girls have a social every Friday night. I think Rufus and I took a walk Saturday. He was up almost every day. Sunday was a beautiful day. We went to church together and to B.Y.P.U. in the P.M. After that some of the Profs, and the girls with Rufus & I walked up to the quarry. It was about 2 1/2 miles up there.
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I was somewhat tired when I got back.
I got along fine with my drawing.
One by one my studies began. I changed my room about two weeks after I came here. My present room is a cozy room. And I only have one roommate. She is an artist. She is a very nice girl. Solid too. Some of the girls are rather light. "Outward appearances only." O, I do believe in what Tennyson says "Better not be at, than not be noble." In this Institute I am sad to say the noble girls are few, and the boys fewer. My roommate Lila Black is twenty three years old and a very sensible girl.
Rufus and I took a walk every day. I must quit now and fix for bed. This is April 16 Sunday evening.
Edgefield S.C.
May 6 Saturday night. I am so behind with this, but it will be some way perhap I can tell what all of it means. [[insertion]] While [[/insertion]] Rufus ^[[insertion]] was here He [[/insertion]] and I visited the factory where they make muslin. The cotton is taken to the factory in large bales. It is cleaned and pressed out into little thin sheets. It rolls through a machine and is made into a small roll about an inch in diameter. It then is taken through another machine and made smaller still, and it still goes through several machines until it is as small as the thread in muslin. A large rack is full of spindles. A spindle of thread, for each thread in the muslin. They are wrapped around a larger roller, each thread in its proper place. When it is full it looks like

Transcription Notes:
The Tennyson quote is actually "Better not be at all than not be noble." -- Blanche leaves out the word "all."