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Principal Cities

[[page divided into four columns, two sets of two with repeated headings]]

[[begin first column set]]
CITIES              Population 1920
New York, N. Y..    5,620,048
Chicago, Ill......  2,701,705   
Philadelphia, Pa..  1,823,158
Detroit, Mich....     993,739
Cleveland, O.....     796,836
St. Louis, Mo....     772,897
Boston, Mass....      748,060
Baltimore, Md...      733,826
Pittsburgh, Pa...     588,193
Los Angeles, Cal.     576,073
Buffalo, N. Y....     506,775
S. Francisco, Cal.    508,410
Milwaukee, Wis..      457,147
Washington, D.C.      437,571
Newark, N. J....      414,216
Cincinnati, O....     401,247
New Orleans, La..     387,219
Min'apolis, Minn.     380,582
Kansas City, Mo.      324,410
Seattle, Wash....     315,652
Indianapolis, Ind.    314,194
Jersey City, N. J.    297,864
Rochester, N. Y...    295,750
Portland, Ore....     258,288
Denver, Colo....      256,369
Toledo, Ohio......    243,109
Providence, R. I..    237,595
Columbus, Ohio.       237,031
Louisville, Ky....    234,891
St. Paul, Minn...     234,595
Oakland, Cal....      216,361
Akron, Ohio.....      208,435
Atlanta, Ga.....      200,616
Omaha, Neb.....       191,601
Worcester, Mass.      179,754
Birmingham, Ala.      178,270
Syracuse, N. Y...     171,717
Richmond, Va....      171,667
N. Haven, Conn..      162,519
Memphis, Tenn..       162,351
San Antonio, Tex.     161,379

[[end first column set]]
[[begin second column set]]

CITIES              Population 1920
Dallas, Tex......     158,976
Dayton, Ohio....      152,559
Bridgeport, Conn      143,538
Houston, Tex....      138,076
Hartford, Conn..      138,036
Scranton, Pa.....     137,783
Gr. Rapids, Mich.     137,634
Paterson, N. J....    135,866
Youngstown, O..       132,358
Springfield, Mass.    129,563
Des Moines, Iowa      126,468
N. Bedford, Mass.     121,217
Fall River, Mass..    120,485
Trenton, N. J.        119,289
Nashville, Tenn..     118,342
Salt Lake City, U.    118,110
Camden, N. J.....     116,309
Norfolk, Va......     115,777
Albany, N. Y.....     113,344
Lowell, Mass....      112,759
Wilmington, Del..     110,168
Cambridge, Mass.      109,694
Reading, Pa.....      107,784
Fort Worth, Tex..     106,482
Spokane, Wash...      104,437
Kansas, City, K..     101,177
Yonkers, N. Y....     100,226
Lynn, Mass......       99,148
Duluth, Minn....       98,917
Tacoma, Wash...        96,965
Elizabeth, N. J...     95,682
Lawrence, Mass..       94,270
Utica, N. Y......      94,156
Erie, Pa.........      93,372
Somerville, Mass.      93,091
Flint, Mich......      91,599
Jacksonville, Fla..    91,558
Waterbury, Conn.       91,410
Okla. City, Okla..     91,258
Schenectady, N. Y.     88,723
Canton, Ohio....       87,091

[[end second column set]]
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Foreign Coins

Comparative Exchange Values

[[eight columns]]
U.S.A | England | France Belgium Switz'l'd | Germany | Italy | Holland Austria | Spain | Japan

$ Cts. | £ s. d. | Fr. C. | Mks. Pf. | Lira C. | Fl. C. | Peso. C. | Yen Sen

01 | 1-2 | 5 | 4 | 5 | 2 1-2 | 5 | 2

02 | 1 | 10 | 8 | 10 | 5 | 10 | 4

06 | 3 | 31 | 25 | 31 | 15 | [[blank]] | 12

10 | 5 | 52 | 42 | 52 | 24 | 50 | 20

20 | 10 | 1 00 | 85 | 1 00 | 48 | 1 00 | 40
24 | 1 0 | 1 25 | 1 0 | 1 25 | 60 | [[blank]] | 48

97 | 4 0 | 5 00 | 4 8 | 5 00 | 2 40 | 5 00 | 1 94

1 22 | 5 0 | 6 25 | 5 10 | 6 25 | 3 00 | [[blank]] | 2 44

1 95 | 8 0 | 10 00 | 8 16 | 10 00 | 4 80 | [[blank]] | 3 90

2 43 | 10 0 | 12 50 | 10 21 | 12 50 | 6 00 | [[blank]] | 4 86
3 89 | 16 0 | 20 00 | 16 32 | 20 00 | 9 60 | 20 | 7 78

4 38 | 18 0 | 22 50 | 18 36 | 22 50 | 10 80 | [[blank]] | 8 76

4 86 | 1 0 0 | 25 00 | 20 42 | 25 00 | 12 00 | 25 | 9 72

[[end of columns]]

INDIA UNIT, rupee of 16 annas. 1 rupee equals 1s. 4d., or 33 cents, U. S. A. 
CEYLON UNIT, rupee of 100 cents. 1 rupee equals 1 s. 4d., or 33 cents, U. S. A. 
EGYPT UNIT, piastre of 40 paras. 100 piastres equals £1 English, £1 Egyptian, or $4.86 U. S. A. 
CHINA - Here the Mexican dollar is in common use; it is worth about 2s. 1 d., or 50 cents U. S. A.