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[[preprinted]] Wea. Tues. Sept. 19, 1922 [[/preprinted]]
Walked to "Vista" - few plants. Lost machete. Dried plants in P.M.

[[preprinted]] Wea. Wednesday 20 Ther. [[/preprinted]]
Lt. Lal. 11 am., Cisneros 6 P.M. Slept at station ([[Agente?]] Vincento Eclieverri)

[[preprinted]] Wea. Thursday 21 Ther. [[/preprinted]]
To Mt above Cisneros
Tr. at 2 P.M. Ar. Buena. (Hotel International) Party with Moore, Hartzel. Note Heiss of Pluila. Gard of Victor Addingthon. 

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[[preprinted]] Wea. Fri. Sept. 22, 1922 Ther. [[/preprinted]]
Left B. 7 am. to Santa Rosen. About 12 thatched huts. Walked to about K 34, collecting R.R. stuff In forest near K.32. Followed Rio Caballete in rain; very tropical. Ret. to B. on P.M. train. U.S. Consul McMelley

[[preprinted]] Wea. Saturday 23 Ther. [[/preprinted]]
Left Ble am Ar. Lac. 12:30. First speedy trip on this line. Boys with [[violinals?]] at Cisneros but [[oly?]] not when I was there. 

[[preprinted]] Wea. Sunday 24 Ther. [[/preprinted]]
Put in plants of previous trip