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[[preprinted]] Wea. Mon. Sept. 25, 1922 Ther. [[/preprinted]]
Dried plants am. To "Vista" and return by "short" trail in P.M.

[[preprinted]] Wea. Tuesday 26 Ther. [[/preprinted]]
Dried plants A.M. In P.M. went along track then down to [[queen?]] of [[Paels?]] and upto forest on other side. Quite good tho much like woods above [[Leil?]]. 

[[preprinted]] Wea. Wednesday 27 Ther. [[/preprinted]]
Dried plants A.M.

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[[preprinted]] Wea. Thurs. Sept. 28, 1922 Ther. [[/preprinted]]
Went to forest N.W. of Pavas. Splendid for orchids. This should be worked more. 

[[preprinted]] Wea. Friday 29 Ther. [[/preprinted]]
Plants in a.m.

[[preprinted]] Wea. Saturday 30 Ther. [[/preprinted]]
[[strikethrough]] Packed all day [[/strikethrough]] Hiked to woods near Hospital. Movie in evening. Crowd noisy & [[?]] interesting. Rather cold & left early.