Viewing page 54 of 96

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[[preprinted]] Wea.  Sat. Oct. 7, 1922  Ther. [[/preprinted]]
Around edge of Bay in canoe. Very few things. Party up the hill.

[[preprinted]] Wea.  Sunday 8  Ther. [[/preprinted]]
Dried plants.

[[preprinted]] Wea.  Monday 9  Ther. [[/preprinted]]
Train at 6am to Cordoba. Hiked due north to Rio [[Calima?]]. Few but rather good things.

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[[preprinted]] Wea.  Tues. Oct. 10, 1922  Ther. [[/preprinted]]
Worked on plants. Bad party up the hill in evening.

[[preprinted]] Wea.  Wednesday 11  Ther. [[/preprinted]]

Packed. Boat expected to sail but didn't. Hung around with all stuff on ship but stayed at hotel.

[[preprinted]] Wea.  Thursday 12  Ther. [[/preprinted]]

Sailed from Buenaventura on "Balboa" - 650 tons. Struck rough weather once out of Bay. Donnig & McMinnamary from Choco in same room. Galbraith fell off boat.

Transcription Notes:
Not sure of Donnig & McMinnamary names. Also on next page and hard to decipher writing.