Viewing page 38 of 126

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On the first island we found:
Lemna polyrhiza
Sagittaria hydrodus
Typha angustifolia
Riccia fluitans
Potamogeton perfoliatus
Poa palustris
Cinna arundinacea
Scirpus radicans
Butomus umbellatus
Glyceria aquatica
Spiraea ulmarius (large)
Cornus sanguineus
Lycopus europaeus
Valeriana officinalis
Alisma plantago
[[overwritten]] [[?]] [[/overwritten]] Myriophyllum spicatum 
[[Erlantha philanlum?]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]


[[text obscured by bookmark]] ythrum salicaria
[[text obscured by bookmark]] alium max
[[text obscured by bookmark]] ium latifolium
[[text obscured by bookmark]] ragmitis communis
[[text obscured by bookmark]] rynyrin gracili
[[text obscured by bookmark]] drocharis morsu (in fl)
[[text obscured by bookmark]] ium angustifolium
[[text obscured by bookmark]] eocharis palustris
[[text obscured by bookmark]] mex hydropiper ---
[[text obscured by bookmark]] irpus lacustris
[[text obscured by bookmark]] amogeton pusillus
" [[Ditto for: Potamogeton]] pectinatus
[[text obscured by bookmark]] anum dulcamara (in water!)
[[text obscured by bookmark]] chys palustris
These were all in water, or in very wet places.
[[text obscured by bookmark]] addition to these other plants
[[text obscured by bookmark]] noticed, but not systematically.

Transcription Notes:
@siobhanleachman - in numerous previous projects where text is obscured, the convention was to still to transcribe that text which is not obscured, noting where/why it is incomplete. This is because the instructions state "Our main goal is to create text that mirrors this document". Therefore please do not delete the transcribing I've done on the second page. Correct it by all means, but don't delete. I would also be really grateful if you don't delete my notes in this section as it reminds me (and lets other volunpeers know) which pages I've checked/reviewed the text. Thanks in advance. Any text in [[?]] I'm unsure of the Latin name of that plant.