Viewing page 40 of 126

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On Csepel Island we observed plants more closely, and Dr. von Degen identified them as we proceeded.
We first entered a somewhat wooded border, and then examined the plants in open places. The following were noted, and I collected those marked x: 

√ x Alyssum tortuosum (pillow) 
√ x Festuca vaginata
√ x Linum pannonicum
√ x Cytisus anatinus 
√ x Tragopogon floccosum
√ Gypsophila paniculata
√ x Crepis rhoeadifolia M.B.
√ x Cyrenia (?) angustifolia
√ x Secale fragile
√ x Koeleria glauca
√ x Melica transylvanica

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√ x Bromus vin[[?]]
√ x Linum austriaca (?)
√ . Peucedanum arenariu
√ x Sedum acre.
√ x Euphorbia gerardiana Jacq.
√ x Alsine verna
√ . Scabiosa ochroleuca (?)
√ Gypsophila [[hep?]]
√ x Sireirra (?) angustifolia 
√ x Dianthus fronludius[[?]]
√ x Phleum Boehmeri (?) 
√ x Verbascum lychnitis
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Here on some of the dunes (or knobs) appear certain mountain forms, - in sand:
√ Polygonatum latifolium
√  [[Ecoriomelus ?]]
√ Peucedanum arenarium (bud)
√ Polygonatum officinalis