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x Phalums pannomicus [[underlined]] rare [[/underlined]]
x Juncus comprinus
x Atriplex tatarica
x Erythrea vulyane
x Plantago major
x Lolinum pereune
x Matricaria chamomilla valgema
x Medicago lupulina
x Lepidium crassifolium
Camphosma ovata
x Astragalus austriacus
Ceratodon purpureus (moss)
Photo 28 - Saline flat, & field beyond, [[strikethrough]] with windmills [[/strikethrough]] Shows white "blind spot" in fore. Only [[underlined]] Lepidium crassifolum [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Camphorosma ovata [[/underlined]] seem to be able to grow here, and that vary sparingly. 

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Veronica anagalles
Poa annua
Eleocharis palustris
Mentha pelegrina
Butomus simbellatus
(Fistuca pseudovina)
x Aster pannonicus
[[underlined]] Photo 30 - Atropis limosa [[/underlined]] grass in tufts on sand flat. Windmills in back. 
x Spergularia media
Suarda salsola (no. fls.)
x Centaurea Renana (on bank at edge, not a salt plant)
Plantago hungarica
[[underlined]] Photo 2 [[/underlined]] - Salt basin, looking North, with stacks of [[underlined]] Scirpus maritimus [[/underlined]] hay (!) in background. Said to be good fodder!
[[underlined]] Photo 8 [[/underlined]] - Looking nearly East across salt basin towards Kuns[[insert]] ^ z [[/insert]]eutmiklos.