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[[underline]] July 8, 1914 - Wednesday, [[/underline]]

In the morning we started out for Dnešice to see Paul's uncle. On the way from the station, Dnešice-Žerov, to Dnešice I took photos in [[insert]] of [[/insert]] a large Scotch Pine Forest.
[[underline]] Photo 5 [[/underline]] - (Vienna plate) The grove, at a distance, looking W. The trees on S. side are lower, - like my Mason City Maples.
[[underline]] Photo 6 [[/underline]] (Seeds plate). Same grove, nearer view.
[[underline]] Photo 3 [[/underline]]- Lower part of grove. The trees are 3-6 ft. apart. The black rings seem to be for purpose of keeping off caterpillars, etc. 
[[underline]] Photo 4 [[/underline]]- Václar Hanzlik's (Paul's uncle's) house in Dnešice.
[[underline]] Photo 1 [[/underline]]- Street in Dnešice, with uncle's home first at end. 

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We had lunch at uncle Václar's house (he is married a second time) and then started for Krašave - in drizzling rain. 
Uncle Václar works in the coal mines, a little west of Dnešice, in the forest-covered mountains
From Dnešice a broad valley or basin extends southeast. It is a beautiful region with every bit of it (practically) under cultivation. Václar Hanzlik gets 32 K. for two weeks works, -yet he is educating a son by the second wife.
We started to walk to Krašave, but beyond the pine forest the rain was heavier, and we were glad to met the coachman of