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Vowels & Dipthongs under influence of stress

Simple vowels: 
Loud stress
   In closed syls.

Reduced loud: 
hair pin  iăp[[ỉ?]]n [[strikethrough]] [_\] [[/strikethrough]] kăutér [[vertical line with four horizontal lines drawn through it]]
horsewhip [[breve ɒ]]s wip [[strikethrough]] [_\] [[/strikethrough]] dŏ m[[acute ɒ]]t [[insert]] ^ by mouth [[/insert]] = doorsteps; also vestibule

Secondary Stress: wíndă = window
wĭndă bláin = window blind
convict ăʃtré
spoonful ásĭz= ash or ashes
conduct fámbŭl= family [[insert]] ^ only [[/insert]] in place of relatives or relative

weak stress:
List vowels occur[[insert]] ^ r [[/insert]]ing here
syllabic consonants: not present in Creole
k[[acute ɒ]]tĭn= cotton
báŋgŭls = bangle or bangles

Loud stress:
ey- In closed syls. -- day, hate, etc
weak stress in vacation= ɒlide [_ _ -]
f[[tilde ɒ]]fúl [[strikethrough]] [ [[/strikethrough]] anties, playing the fool
-mĭpĭkín, ăi săbí (sabi is used in ref. to persons or concrete things, but know is used to mean to understand, to be acquainted with facto c.f. una sabi una nõ no= you perceive but you don't understand. Sabi means to perceive.
ay-loud stressed in buy, bite 
weak in phrases like [[underline]] my son, I know [[/underline]]
oy- loud stressed in boy, boil (bwel) ^ [[or buehl]]
aw- loud-stressed in [[underline]]cow[[/underline]] ^[[kau]], [[underline]]bout[[/underline]]
o [[strikethrough]] (w) [[/strikethrough]] loud-stressed in [[underline]] go [[/underline], boat
weak in [[underline]] window [[/underline]]
i [[strikethrough]] w [[/strikethrough]]- loud-stressed in [[underline]] see [[/underline]], [[underline]] hear [[/underline]]
weak in [[underline]] carry [[/underline]], [[underline]]candid[[underline]]
uw - loud stressed in [[underline]]too[[/underline]], [[underline]] boot [[/underline]] 
weak in [[underline]]value.[[/underline]]

mut mut= small insects    sus=shoes, footware
                          bot = bɒt
                          but=boot                (saful [-_]=                                    softly