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Bigelovia tortifolia
Oxytropis wooly

[[bracket]] Sierraville. Calif. June 30. 900 [[/bracket]]
[[image - pen sketch of tree and nests]]
nest of [[underlined]] Tyrannus nest. [[/underlined]] of sticks & grass [[overwritten]] t [[/overwritten]] lined with [[greenery?]] sack & cow hair 3 yg. 1 dead.

[[underlined]] Baskets [[/underlined]] - [[underlined]] Washoe Indian [[/underlined]]
Called onion baskets - they called Eppo & Camas & all this roots onions.
Old squaw had hair brush of fibres of Amole Chlorogalum pomeridianum

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] July [[strikethrough]] 3 [[/strikethrough]] 1 [[/underlined]] Hot Spr. 
Camp 9, 5000

[[underlined]] Sawmill [[/underlined]] 5600

Abies mag. N.E. 6500.
Abes gladrum " [[Ditto for: 6500]]
Pinus montisola " [[Ditto for: 6500]]
Pinus murryana 7000

[[underlined]] Camp on ridge [[/underlined]] June 7300

[[underlined]] July [[?]] [[/underlined]] Camp. 10 7300

[[underlined]] Wiber Lake [[/underlined]] 1 mi. 6900
P. murrayana

[[underlined]] down Z. [[Truelee?]] R. [[/underlined]]
P. jeffreyi 6700 - 6800
Artemisia tridentata " [[Ditto for: 6700 - 6800]]
P. ponderosa 6700 - 
[[underlined]] Lunch on Z. [[Truelere?]] [[/underlined]] R. 6700
Fork of road 9 mi. 4650

Transcription Notes:
Species names googled, Vernon's original spelling kept, anything I'm unsure of is in [[?]]