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[[underlined]] Rock Spr. Chisos Mts [[/underlined]]

Pinus ponderosa
" [[Ditto for: Pinus]] edulis or cembroides
" [[Ditto for: Pinus]] flexilis ?
Juniperus flaccida
" [[Ditto for: Juniperus]] pachyphlaea
Quercus grissia
" [[Ditto for: Quercus]] emoryi 
" [[Ditto for: Quercus]] texana ? 
" [[Ditto for: Quercus]] scale barked 
" [[Ditto for: Quercus]] dwarf
. Acer grandidentatum 
. Prunus centifolia
. Arbutus
. Morus microphylla
. Garria lindheimeri
" [[Ditto for: Ceanothus]]
Rhus aromatica
" [[Ditto for: Rhus]] virens
" [[Ditto for: Rhus]] microphylla
. Circis
. Circocarpus parvifolius
. Fraxinus greggii

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

. Rhamnus purshiana 
Gilia   red-bush
Kunzia ? like bush
Puciphyllan ?

Agave hetteracantha
" [[Ditto for: Agave]] big
Yucca   big, (1 tree) 362
" [[Ditto for: Yucca]] macrocarpa   a few
Dasylerian    abn
Schoenelirian abn
Fouqueria  (on hot slopes to 7000
Opuntia engelmani to 7000
" [[Ditto for: Opuntia]] long spined 6000
" [[Ditto for: Opuntia]] arborescens 5500
" [[Ditto for: Opuntia]] lepticaulis 5500

Transcription Notes:
As a result of the below fab detective work I've taken the brackets & ? from Schoenelerian as I'm sure we've transcribed it correctly. Looks like this page is good for completion :-) @siobhanleachman Found it! He wrote Schoenelerian (for Schoenolirion) Checked species names, kept Vernon's spelling, anything I'm unsure of is in [[?]] Have tried many permutations of the word translated "Schlaerielerian" and can't find any matching genus using Google search. Nearest I've got is Scharreleieren = free range eggs! I'm Scharrelen-ing my head over this one! **This is Schoenolirion in the family Asparagaceae - the plant written above it it had the same ending - found out that Dasylerians = Dasylirion and on finding out that it was from the Asparagceae family - went to a list of family members - h moses