Viewing page 20 of 65

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Mamilaria meiacantha ?
" [[Ditto for: Mamilaria]] little white spined one
Cereus red flowers
" [[Ditto for: Cereus]]
Echinocactus (big heads)
Tillandsia on rocks 6500
Leucaena retusa, in gulch 5500

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] June 8 [[/underlined]] Camp 9:30, 5900
[[underlined]] On ridge [[/underlined]] 5100
[[underlined]] In west gulch [[/underlined]] 5000
[[underlined]] Left boxes [[/underlined]] 5500
Cupressus  6000-
Juniperus pachyphla  5500-
Pseudotenya 6500-
Highest ridge  8100
Camp 8000
back to horses  5500

[[underlined]] June 11 [[/underlined]] Camp 8:30  6000
Over ridge at 8100
N&S Divide  7000
Cammp at old Sheep Troughs  5500

[[underlined]] June 12 [[/underlined]] up Timber ridge 8000
Killed deer.
Venison camp  8000

[[underlined]] June 13 [[/underlined]] Down to horses and back to camp.