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[[underlined]] Sept 27 [[/underlined]],
Left El Paso at 9:15 P.M.
via Santa Fe for home
[[underlined]] Sept 28 [[/underlined]] -
Daylight in open valley
[[underlined]] near Las Lunas [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Albuquerque [[/underlined]], 7:10 AM
all upper Sonoran
Atriplex canescens
" [[Ditto for: Atriplex]] compertifolia
[[underlined]] Pablos [[/underlined]] & indians
[[underlined]] Waldo [[/underlined] -
Junipers & grass
[[underlined]] Laura [[/underlined]] 
Pinus edulis in forests up creek canyon
Pinus ponderosa
Oaks & Populus angustifolia

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

A wide strip of Transition
Down long grade to 
[[underlined]] Las Vegas [[/underlined]] out on plains Mts. to west, over ridges of nut pine & junipers, accross gulches canyons of yellow pine but mostly grassy plains.

[[underlined]] Raton at dark [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Sept. 28 [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Daylight near Dodge City [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Dark [[/underlined]] at Kansas City.

[[underlined]] Sept 29. [[/underlined]]
[[underlined Chicago [[/underlined]] [[=?]] 7:40 A.M.

[[underlined]] Dark at Liffin [[/underlined]] Ohio.

[[underlined]] Oct. 1. [[/underlined]]

Comberland breakfast
Washington D.C. 12