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[[underlined]] Birds Collected [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Marathon [[/underlined]]
. Lannus excubitorides
. Horizopus richardsoni
. Carpodacus m obscurus
. Otocoris a. arinecola
. Oreospiza chlorura
. Calamospiza
. Spizella breweri
. Guiraca c. lazula
. Pipilo f. mesoleucus
. [[Pucea?]] cassini
. Amphispiza b. deserticola
. Dendroica auduboni
. Empidonax wrighti
. [[Zensalodia melanocephela?]]
. Wilsonia pusilla
. " [[Ditto for: Wilsonia]] (piliolata?)
. Empidonax traillii 
. Hylochida n. swainsoni
. Dendroica a. marconi
. Hylocychla almae
. Sayornis nigricans
. " [[Ditto for: Sayornis]] saya

Transcription Notes:
I think Lannus[[?]] is supposed to be Lanius but that's clearly not what he wrote. Can't think what else it could be. I think you are correct - think he might mean lanius ludovicianus excubitorides I know that "Zemalodia" isn't the right translation but I can't figure it out! Yep he seems to have editing above but I can't work it out either.