This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.
Echinocactus Euphorbia - leafless, on rocks Atriplex Argemone [[Xantium?]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] July 24 [[/underlined]] - Camp 8 AM 1725 Last crossing river 1650 Top of mesa 1850 [[udnerlined]] Lowstock [[/underlined]] 1800 " [[Ditto for: Lowstock]] correct altitude [[underlined]] 1550 [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] July 25 [[/underlined]], Camp [[strikethrough]] aneroid at 1710 [[/underlined]] Comstock aneroid set at [[underlined]] 1710 [[underlined]] Lunch [[/underlined]] 5 mi 1600 Larrea Dalea speciosa Acacia constricta " [[Ditto for: Acacia]] straight spines [[Kromerila canescus?]] [[underlined]] River camp [[/underlined]] 8 mi. 1450 Pistacia mexicana abn Nicotiana glaucea " [[Ditto for: abn]] Arundinaria Baccharis " [[Ditto for: Baccharis]]
Transcription Notes:
Checked species names. Kept Vernon's spelling. Anything I'm not sure of is in [[?]]