Viewing page 28 of 44

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[underlined]] Aug. 11 [[/underlined]] Camp 11600
Saddle  12000
Left horses 10:30  12300
Trushos Peak 12.  13000
[[underlined]] Plants on top [[/underlined]]
Orthocarpos  pink
Castileja yellow
Myasotis alpectris [[checkmark]]
Silene acaulis
Guem rossii
Sibaldia procumbens
Artemisia borealis
Draba alpina
Saxifraga [[strikethrough]] ? [[gellous?]] [[/strikethrough]] chrysantha
Arinaria [[strikethrough]] alpina [[/strikethrough]] [[nordifolia?]]
Helenium hoopii ?
Gentiana (whitish) frigida
Sedum  red
Primula ? (little blue) angustifolia
[[underlined]] 100 feet below summit [[/underlined]]
Orthocarpos - yellow
Erigeron ? yellow
Oxyria dygina
Potentilla fruticosa

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Grass - 3 sp.

[[underlined]] Lunch [[/underlined]]  12600
Extreme timberline S.E. " [[Ditto for: 12600]]
Picea englemani "  " [[Dittos for: S.E. 12600]]
Juniperus pommunis [[insertion]] ^ alpina [[/insertion]] " " [[Dittos for: S.E. 12600]]
Polygonum " [[Ditto for: 12600]]
Celasphorus rufus " [[Ditto for: 12600]]
Myadestes  " [[Ditto for: 12600]]
Anthus  13306
Falco sparverius " [[Ditto for: 13306]]
Arctomys  " [[Ditto for: 13306]]
Ochotona " [[Ditto for: 13306]]
Thomomys  " [[Ditto for: 13306]]
Aquilegia blue  12400
Circus [[oly?]] " [[Ditto for: 12400]]
Penstemon gracilis " [[Ditto for: 12400]]
1 Real timberline S.W. 12300
Pinus balfouriana cristata " [Ditto for: 12300]]
Picea englemanni  " [Ditto for: 12300]]
Vaccinum microphyllum  " [Ditto for: 12300]]

[[underlined]]  Truchas Peak, Surber. [[/underlined]] Aug. 12.
Claytonia megarriza
Ranunculus macauleyi

Transcription Notes:
Checked species names, kept Vernon's spelling, anything I'm unsure of is in [[?]] -@siobhanleachman