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[[underlined]] 1907 [[/underlined]] March 23
[[underlined]] Washington [[/underlined]] for [[underlined]] Marquette [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Left Wash [[/underlined]] - 12 M.
Maples in blossom
Alders " [[Ditto for: in blossom]]
Spicebush " [[Ditto for: in blossom]]
Some Willows " [[Ditto for: in blossom]]

[[underlined]] Baltimore [[/underlined]] no change

[[underlined]] Harrisburg [[/underlined]], no change

[[underlined]] Huntington [[/underlined]] 
Hemlocks on cold sloap
Sycamores on south sloaps
no flowers, not much green.

[[underlined]] Altoona [[/underlined]], dark, 7:45

[[underlined]] Pittsburg [[/underlined]] 9:45 to 10

Norman McClintock