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This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[underlined]] March 25 [[/underlined]] -
[[underlined]] Rondo [[/underlined]] - Sunrise
Patches of snow
Pinus strobus  in places
Tsuga  " [[Ditto for: in places]]
Picea  com in swamp
Larix  " " [[Ditto for: com in swamp]]
Populus tremuloids  abn.
Betuta alba? " [[Ditto for: abn]]
Alnus com
Ulmus  " [[Ditto for: com]]
Fraxinus  " [[Ditto for: com]]
Libocedrus " [[Ditto for: com]]
( Pinus resinosa?  " [[Ditto for: com]]
( red bark, long leaf
Quercus  2 bushes
[[underlined]] Mackinow [[/underlined]] breakfast 

[[underlined]] Across Straight. [[/underlined]]
Ice 12 in. thick. 
plowed through

[[underlined]] St. Ignace [[/underlined]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] St. Ignace [[/underlined]]

Populus tremuloides abn.
Betula alba?  " [[Ditto for: abn]]
" [[Ditto for: Betula]] lutea?  " [[Ditto for: abn]]
Larix " [[Ditto for: abn]]
Picea  " [[Ditto for: abn]]
Libocedrus " [[Ditto for: abn]]
Pinus strobus " [[Ditto for: abn]]
" [[Ditto for: Pinus]] resinosa?  a few
Abies  " [[Ditto for: a few]]
Alnus abn
Cornus red " [[Ditto for: abn]]
Fraxinus  black, in swamps 
[[underlined]] Allenville [[/underlined]]
Snow over half of ground 
A foot deep in swamps

Acer saccharinum on ridges
Populus grandidentata a few

[[underlined]] Trout Lake [[/underlined]]

Snow continuous, a foot or more
Same trees 
( also a scrub pine -
( Pinus

Ledum ? in swamps
Andromeda ? " [[Ditto for: in swamps]]
[[underlined]] Soo Junction [[/underlined]]

Transcription Notes:
Checked species names, kept Vernon's spelling, anything I'm not sure of is in [[?]] -@siobhanleachman