Viewing page 13 of 35

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[underlined]] Club [[/underlined]] - March 27
Cornus brachybranchus   com
Merula  1
Coephlocus  2.  com.
Dryobates pubescens  2
Bonassa  com
Corvus corax, said to be a few.
Junco  1
Nyctale acadica  1 heard
Strnum nebulosum " [[Ditto for: 1 heard]]
[[underlined]] March 28 [[/underlined]]
Dryobatis villosus  com
Peresorius  1 heard

[[underlined]] March 28 [[/underlined]]
(  [[Chanirchetes?]]  1
( & feathers of eaten by cat.
Parus atricapillus  com

[[underlined]] April 1 [[/underlined]]
[[Albianabus heimalis?]]  1 seen
Cyanocilla cristala   heard
Nyetea cinerea  2 at cabin

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Porcupine, [[female symbol]], 1 large fetus stomach full of bark, probably maple,
Maple, birch (yellow), & basswood eaten, many hemlock branchlets cut off, but no bark eaten.
Maples & birches killed.
Some other tracks seen.

Beaver Dams & houses
cut mainly alder, some willow, red ozier, a few maples, hard & soft.
Otter - 2 fresh tracks

[[underlined]] March 30 [[/underlined]]
Tamias  1  first
Eutamias  - said to be.
( Erethizon, kill maple, oaks, 
( yellow birch, hemlock.
Sciusopterus - big, skin at cabin, 
Putorius small, 2 tracks
Mustela  tracks seen
[[underlined]] Deer [[/underlined]], in yards, eat buds of maple, birch, ozier, & leaves of hemlock, abies
Lipocedrus, juniperus communis, 
[[Taxius?]], eat moss & lichens.
Comptonia peregrina
Bear, break tops of oaks for acorns

Transcription Notes:
Checked latin species names, kept Vernon's spelling, anything I'm not sure of is in [[?]] -@siobhanleachman