Viewing page 14 of 35

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[underlined]] [[strikethrough]] Mar. 31 [[/strikethrough]] April 1. [[/strikethrough]]
Larus  com.
Prunus  red " [[Ditto for: com]]
Rhus  dwarf, S. a few
Sambucus  a few

[[underlined]] April 2 [[/underlined]] cleaned skulls

[[underlined]] April 3 [[/underlined]] to Big Bay & Marquette
Spizella borealis  1 
Pinicola  3
Merula 1 at Marquette.

Arctomys tracks, 3 at Big Bay

[[underlined]] April 4 [[/underlined]] to Munising

Prunus  black on burns
" [[Ditto for: Prunus]] red  " [[Ditto for: on burns]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] April 5 [[/underlined]] to Castle Point
Carpinus, beech, abundant
Tsuga  abn
Abies  " [[Ditto for: abn]]
Libocedrus " [[Ditto for: abn]]
Picea  " [[Ditto for: abn]]
Taxus  " [[Ditto for: abn]]
Acer saccarinums " [[Ditto for: abn]]
" [[Ditto for: Acer]] rubrum  " [[Ditto for: abn]]

Betula lutea " [[Ditto for: abn]]
" [[Ditto for: Betula]] alba " [[Ditto for: abn]]
" [[Ditto for: Betula]] nigra ?  " [[Ditto for: abn]]
Ulmus americanus " [[Ditto for: abn]]
Ostrya  " [[Ditto for: abn]]
Populus tremuloides  " [[Ditto for: abn]]
Alnus   " [[Ditto for: abn]]
[[Lilea?]]  com.
Fraxinus  black " [[Ditto for: com.]]
Pinus strobus  a few
" [[Ditto for: Pinus]] resinosa " [[Ditto for: a few]]
" [[Ditto for: Pinus]]  scrub  " [[Ditto for: a few]]
Corvus  red  com
Rubus  2 
Vaccumium  2
Gaultheries  abn
Arbutus  " [[Ditto for: abn]]
[[Limea?]]  " [[Ditto for: abn]]

Transcription Notes:
Checked species names, kept Vernon's spelling, anything I'm unsure of I've kept in [[?]] - @siobhanleachman